Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Brain Function is Unequivocally Food Dependent

By Ted Slanker

Spun Out Americans

Today it seems a lot of people don’t function as they should. Murder rates and physical abuse rates are high. Mood disorders are rampant and sky high divorce rates are symptomatic of this problem. Spouses flare up in rages, blaming the other for their presumed problems, discomforts, fears, and what have you. People generally are less sociable. Some people have to focus intently to find the words they need to speak in order to communicate. Many can hardly comprehend fully the written word even though they know how to read. Their handwriting is not fluid, instead it’s a scrawl. They react slowly to stimuli. Migraine headaches seem to be a normal occurrence.

Many people are quick to blame others for their mistakes. Many people don’t respond to humor. Some people experience roller coaster emotions. Rage, such as road rage, is common. Some people are rude, suspicious of others, fearful, incompetent in maintaining even minor responsibilities, they hold grudges, and are difficult to work with. Many are totally unreceptive to new ideas while others fall for every scam or myth. Many can’t figure out simple mathematical problems and most can’t play sophisticated games such as Bridge, Chess, and Poker. Others can’t even figure out the simplest problems involving daily tasks.

When it comes to intelligence I think the vast majority of people in our nation are sadly lacking. Sure there are specialists in all fields of endeavor who know more about their specialty than anyone else can even imagine. But outside their specialty these same “bright” people are dunces. Consequently it can be said that few people exhibit wisdom and common sense, which means they can’t sense tangent behavior and understand the problems that can be associated by that kind of behavior. Nor can they figure out how to do even simple tasks outside their specialties.

Then there are the forgetful ones. Dementia is taken for granted in our country. We expect our old people to be senile. Even the old people themselves not only take great pride in their physical aliments and spend hours discussing them, but they look upon their forgetfulness as a sign of maturity!

This short list describing what has become the all too common American is why I say we have a dysfunctional society. And the one commonality of all the people in our country is the food they eat. Yet the vast majority is not much concerned about the basic fundamentals of human nutrition. Instead of focusing on diet (unless it’s the latest fad) they prefer quick fixes with the smallest impact on their daily lives (eating habits), which is why supplements and drugs are popular. So the problems persist and dysfunctional activity is considered normal.

Basic Nutrition

It all starts with understanding basic nutrition. For proper body function (health) all animals are highly dependent on the foods they consume. In previous essays I have explained why the foundation food for all animal life is the green leaf. Of course it’s not simply the green leaf for there are six primary nutrients required for maintaining the health of all beings.

To most people these days it comes as a surprise to learn that the fat component plays an extremely crucial role. What makes fat so critical is that all cells have many different kinds of fat in their membranes and the types of fats and their relative weights within the cell membranes greatly impact cell function. Consequently, as you may imagine, low fat diets and diets consisting of out-of-balance fats are very unhealthy.

There are about 400 fatty acids or fats. Some our bodies manufacture. Others are “essential” – which means we must eat them to get them. The essential fats come in the appropriate balance for optimal cell function from the green leaf or the meats of animals that lived in a natural state where their foundation food was the green leaf. They will not come from grains and other unnatural foods. When man eats concocted fats, for instance trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils), they take the place of “real fats” in cell membranes and disrupt cell function. When man eats grain a similar thing occurs. That’s because the various fats and relative weights contained in grains (grains are the seed heads of annual grasses) differ greatly from that of the relative weights of fats in the green leaves of grasses, forbs, shrubs, and trees.

When the balance, or types, of fat in any animal’s food differs dynamically from that of the green leaf, the result is muddled cell function. When cells don’t function properly, chronic disease (body failure) results. This is why all chronic diseases can be traced back to grain! Sure there are other factors that cause chronic diseases, but a fat imbalance in the diet is now known to be a major causative factor.

There is one prominent chronic disease that every mental disease seems to have as a possible association. That is a thyroid problem. I did a search using all the various mental diseases tied with “thyroid” and in every case I found there were clinical reports tying them together. Then I did a search using “thyroid” and “omega 3.” Bingo! There appeared scores of reports and marketing literature about the imbalance of the essential fatty acids and health problems with the thyroid gland.

Isn’t it amazing. As your brain fails your body can be failing right along with it. Or, as your body fails so can your brain be failing right along with your body. Is body failure always associated with aging or is it brought on by improper foods that interrupt proper cell function? For a fact an imbalance of fatty acids in the membranes of cells will damage and in some cases almost completely destroy a body’s immune system.

Additionally all chromic diseases are associated with a diet that creates imbalances in fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fluids. Could it be that if we ate right, we’d live a physically and mentally active life right up to the end? Many of our old cows and horses are that way. They don’t gradually fall apart and go lame over the years. They are very active, with the only sign of age being that they slow down some as they age. But they remain healthy and normal participants in their herds.

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