Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Can treating allergy symptoms help with autism?

New laser treatment may help answer this question

Dr. Darren Lastofsky

AllergiCare™ Relief Centers of South Florida has introduced a new, non-invasive laser treatment for the effective relief of allergy symptoms allowing allergy sufferers the opportunity to no longer experience these debilitating symptoms and once again enjoy an uninhibited quality of life.

What makes this new method of treatment even more remarkable is the success that has been seen in treating patients with autism. “What we have found,” says AllergiCare™ clinic director Darren Lastofsky, D.C. “is that when we have treated autism patients for many of the food substances, primarily wheat, milk, and gluten, it has been reported back to us by families that there has been a decrease in the symptoms associated with autism”.

The link between autism and allergies has been highly debated over recent years with many researchers confident that food allergies do play a major role. According to the National Autistic Society, “people with autism are often intolerant of gluten, a protein in four types of cereal, and casein, a protein found in animals’ milk.”

According to over 30 years of studies carried out by the Sage Laboratory in Florida, food allergies are always present in children with autism and each situation seems to be with a unique combination of foods. Finding the foods that are toxic to your child is well worth the effort because it will affect their behavior dramatically. If a food can affect a child’s mood, it is hard to say what else it could be doing to the overall health and well being of that same child.

Although food allergies and sensitivities are most likely not the cause of autism, Lastofsky believes that the reactions to these substances magnifies the symptoms. He explains that by removing these reactions, the symptoms become increasingly manageable, and remarkable improvement in behavior, communication and social interaction have been the result.

The unique biofeedback and laser system used in the clinics can assess inappropriate reactions to over 10,000 different food, airborne, outdoor and environmental substances. “What make this technique so special”, says Lastofsky is that in addition to its effects, the treatments are affordable, pain-free, there are no allergy shots or medication, and it is safe and effective for adults and children of all ages.”

AllergiCare Relief Centers has three area locations in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens and Ft. Lauderdale and can be contacted at 1-866-788-3391 or

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